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A member registered Feb 22, 2022

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Good to hear.  Yes, by scale I mean numbers and markings that give frequency and dB level reference guides.  It would be best if the frequency lines on the spectrum had 100Hz, 1kHz and 10kHz marked to make them more meaningful at a glance. 

I get your point about feature creep though and wanting to keep things simple, that's a bit part of the appeal, but a VU meter would be useful!

Please add a scale to the meters, particularly the level meters and the ones with frequency readout (spectrum & spectrogram).  I know it gives a reading for peak frequency and peak level on the LU meter, but these aren't enough to be really useful on their own.  I think you can add the option to turn on a scale for each meter without affecting the space.  

It would also be great to have some other options in the level meters, not just Peak/LUFS.  But RMS, VU, & K-meter etc as options, or additional traces that can be enabled.

Also an analogue style VU meter with needles would be a great addition!

Keep up the good work